これは、books.google.comにありました、Old Parr’s last will & Testament. からPDFとテキストをダウンロードし、校正してから日本語に訳したものです。
PDFファイルは、Old Parr’s last will & Testament.pdf にもありますので、必要があればご覧ください。
基本的に、PARR’S LIFE PILLS は、「パー生命丸」と、Old Parr は、「パー翁」と訳しています。文脈により、例外もあります。
英語と照合しやすいように、2,3のページ数は、[2][3] として残してあります。
152 歳という信じられないほどの年齢に達した有名なパー翁によって書かれた、驚くべき書類が最近明らかになりました。 羊皮紙に書かれており、200年以上前のものですが保存状態は良好です。 以下は抜粋です。
「加えて、私は 2 番目のひ孫に、この薬を作るために私が使用した方法を遺贈する。お前が 147歳になったこの日に与えられる。

この版画は、パー翁が151 歳の時のルーベンスの絵画からのものです。この特異な人物は、1人の例外を除いて、イギリスがこれまでに生み出した最年長の男性でした。
「彼自身の説明によると、一連の長くつらい病気をしましたが、いくつかの秘密のメニューによって、彼は自分で治し、88 歳の高齢で最初の妻と結婚した時は、他のどの男性よりも強かったのです。彼は120 歳という驚くべき年齢で、再婚しました。130 歳の時、彼は脱穀作業をし、他にも骨の折れる仕事をいろいろやりました。彼は 10 人のイングランドの王と女王を見てきました。」
膿瘍 激しい胃腸炎 てんかん 腺の腫れ おこり 疝痛 丹毒 頭痛 動脈瘤 腸の便秘 失神 胸やけ 喘息 肺病 口臭 嗄声 不妊症 けいれん あらゆる種類の発熱 炎症 胆汁性の愁訴 けいれん 婦人病 消化不良 皮膚のしみ クループ(喉や気管の急性炎症) 痔瘻 ジャンディー おでき 衰弱 ひきつけ 無気力 腸の不調 水腫 下痢 ハンセン病 やけど 視力の低下 痛風 脱力感 癌 赤痢 めまい 肝臓の不調
気分の落ち込み 麻痺 天然痘 腫瘍 腰痛 痰 眼病 潰瘍 はしか 痔疾 のどの痛み あらゆる種類の性病 壊疽 弛緩 結石 神経症 尿が出にくい 排尿痛 百日咳 骨化症 リウマチ 狭窄 白い腫れ 骨の痛み 白癬 カンジダ症 あらゆる種類の寄生虫 動悸 黄癬 三叉神経痛 嚢胞 麻痺 瘰癧(るいれき–頸部リンパ節結核) 震え あらゆる原因による衰弱
上記の症例はすべて、パー生命丸を使用するだけで治癒しました。したがって、異なる病気と見なされ、異なる治療法を必要とするものがすべて同じ原因に由来し、一つの方法で治癒できることを示しています.パー生命丸は、病気を克服するのに強力ですが、新しい牛乳と同じくらい純粋で無害であり、長い間の病気で弱っている病人にも自信を持って投与することができます。 病人はすぐに回復して、強い健康の喜ばしい兆候、すなわち食欲が旺盛になり、ぐっすり眠れ、元気が出ます。
それが持つ芳香と、活力作用は素晴らしく、 1度服用すれば、これが、弱者を元気にし、病人を健康に戻し、すべての症状を改善するのに必要なすべてであるという確信をもたらします。完全に無害なので、何の心配もありません。
消化不良、即ちディスペプシア — それは、胃が汚れて、悪い状態、および肝臓と胆管の病的作用によって引き起こされ、様々な不調の主要な原因であることを、心に留めておく必要があります。
パー生命丸を、就寝時に 3 錠、朝食前に 2 錠、そして1 か月または 6 週間続けてください。そうすれば、胃がきれいで健康な状態に戻り、肝臓の自然な働きが回復します。
痛風、リウマチ、リウマチ性痛風など — これらの激しい発作は、全身の一般的な混乱に起因する可能性があります。それが出現する原因は、しばしば、風邪、打ち身、捻挫、ワインやスピリッツの飲み過ぎ、および非常にスパイスの効いた食品の摂りすぎです。しかし、10 例中 9 例が遺伝性であることは確立された事実であり、したがって、治癒が達成されるには、全身全体の変化がもたらされなければならないことがはっきりしています。
浮腫.–この病気は、「細胞膜、皮膚の下、または体のさまざまな空洞における、漿液性または水様液の異常な蓄積」であると アバネーシは述べています。遠隔または偶発的な原因は、さまざまな、遺伝的または家族的な素因にあります。発熱、赤痢などのさまざまな種類の急性疾患で、高熱の状態で冷たい液体を飲むことなど。この錠剤は、集められた水分を、排便や発汗によって排出する強力な治療法として正当に評価されています。
便秘. –習慣的な便秘は、早く取り除かれなければ、人の障害や痛みの半分以上の原因となります。薬も一般に、腸の蠕動運動を弱めるため、病状を取り除くのでなく、悪化させるので、有益と言うよりは、害を及ぼすことになっています。覚えておいてほしいのは、便秘は体質的なものであり、したがって下剤を数回服用するだけで治せると考えるのは非合理的だということです。
結石、尿関係疾患 — 毎晩 3 錠、朝に 2 錠服用してください。
神経症. — この分類には幅広い範囲が含まれており、不幸な患者は、他のどの障害よりも、より多くの苦痛を背負い、周囲の人々からの同情は受けることも少ないのです。これは、病気が他の障害のように明確に定義されていないという理由だけで、ある程度説明できるかもしれません。実際、症状が認識されない場合もあり、したがって、患者の病気は、すべて想像上のものであり、注目に値しない、という性急な結論に行き着く場合があります。しかし、思いやりとケアを、これ以上必要とする病気はありません。
この計り知れない価値のある錠剤を 2、3 錠飲むと、精神が急速に蘇り、消化力が向上し、神経系全体が幸せで自然な状態に戻ります。この病気に対しては、どんな種類の症状であろうと、出血、ヒルによる吸血など血液を抽出するような方法は決して使用してはなりません.
肝臓の不調、黄疸など – 肝臓の不調と呼ばれる全ての障害は、寒さ、不安、運動不足、酒、水銀の過剰使用などに起因する可能性があります。これらの原因は肝臓に強力に作用し、その本来の機能と分泌の適切な遂行を妨げます。肝臓の健康な活動は、一般的な健康にとって非常に重要です。肝臓がうまく働かず、放っておかれると、致命的になることが大変多いのです。黄疸症状は、この病気に関するすべての疑いを取り除くのに役立ちます。
毎晩 2 ~ 3 錠、数週間、服用すると、患者は完全な健康状態に戻ります。これらの病気の原因は上記のように特定されているので、当然のことながら、慎重に避ける必要があります。
パー生命丸を 2 回または 3 回服用することにより、上記の症状が迅速に取り除かれ、いつもと違う静けさが心に充満し、胃と腸が本来の機能に戻り、活力が回復します。
咳、風邪、喘息.–毎晩就寝時に 3 つか 4 つの錠剤を服用すると、喉に貼り付いて不快なイガイガ、咳を引き起こし安らぎを破壊する痰を、取り除きます。数回の服用でぐっすり眠れるようになります。
妊娠 –これは、母親だけでなく、生まれて来る子供にとっても非常に重要な期間です。一部の人が耐え忍ぶ激しいつわりは、激しい吐き気の結果であり、非常に危険です。
女性の悩み — 頭痛、神経過敏、全身の不調、気分の落ち込み、口臭、顔色の悪さなど。
就寝前に、2、3 錠を1 週間続けて、また、昼食後にも必要に応じて2、3錠を服用してください。すぐに健康的で若々しい顔色が回復します。
男性の理由による不妊.–時間と根気は、何らかの物理的な奇形によって不可能にならない限り、望む目的を実現します。パー翁は 130 歳になるまで性的能力を保っていました。
子供を持つという希望がすべてなくなった時、隔日に 2、3錠づつ服用することで、全身が完全に変わり、性的能力が向上したという多くの事例が挙げられます。
高齢者は、時折 2、3、または 4 錠を服用することで、この薬の素晴らしい芳香作用によって完全に元気になります。不快の蓄積を防ぎます。
子供 –乳児は、どんなに幼い年齢でも、半分の丸薬を少量の蜂蜜と混ぜて飲むことができます。生後 3 ~ 4 か月の場合は、1 錠で十分です。この優れた薬は、歯が生えそろう時期までに、クループ、咳、はしか、百日咳、その他、この時期の子供を苦しめる病気から、何百人もの子供たちを救ってきました。
脳卒中 — 無知な人が当て推量で名前を付けることがよくあります。嗜眠が眠気であるように、適切に検査された場合、脳卒中は悪化した嗜眠としてのみ診断される可能性があります。腐敗した停滞した体液で満たされた静脈は、体内で能力を低下させ、血液が脳に栄養を供給するのを妨げます。予防がすべてであり、脳卒中の傾向が最も少ない人は、この薬を時々服用することを忘れないでください。確実に病気を予防します。
この錠剤を毎晩 3 錠、2、3 週間服用すると、体から有害なものがすべて取り除かれ、健康と快適さがもたらされます。壊血病に悩まされている人には、この時期に、パー生命丸を試すことを強くお勧めします。数日のうちに、彼らは強力な解毒作用を体験し、薬を継続するように誘導されます。
葉が落ちる季節は、夏の暑さで体が緩んでいて、毎晩 2、3 錠のパー生命丸を数週間服用することで大きな効果が得られる時期でもあります。パー生命丸は、暑さが常に発生する不愉快で悪い気分を一掃します。不活発な肝臓が元気に活動するようになり、本来の機能を果たせるようになります。体全体が活力を取り戻し、冬がもたらすどんな変化にも対応できるようになります。
旅行者 — 商用旅行者は、最も社交的です。彼らは、職業的に、美食学を無制限にひいきにし、「バラ色の神」の魅力的な誘惑に屈せざるをえない状況に置かれます。
この素晴らしい胃薬を夜に 2、3錠飲めば、この快楽からの害はまったく感じられなくなるでしょう。胃や腸に残って、発熱性の頭痛、および他のすべての不快な症状を発生させる全ての胃酸過多を、この薬は、わずかな乱れや痛みもなしに、解消します。そのマイルドで効果的な作用のために、多くの旅行者によって、現在では他のどの薬よりも、使用されています。航海では、壊血病などの病気を防ぐには、これだけがあれば良い、と認められています。
食事.– パー生命丸は、身体の自然なさまざまな活動を助け、調整することは、言うまでもありません。しかし、食事については、最も深く検討する価値があります。人が、動物性または野菜性食品から成り立っていることは、最も明白なことです。この理由から、彼が自分の力でできるときに、この混合された食物の割合を適切に調整するように気をつける必要があります。
総論 — この貴重な薬は、正しく、続けて使用された場合、最も長く、最も慢性的な症例でさえも、救済に失敗したことは一度もありません。
自信の欠如や気まぐれから、あまりにも早く使用を中止して、望んだことを達成できなかった場合、その過ちを薬のせいにできるのでしょうか? –絶対にそうではありません。
しかし、彼ら自身の変化への愛情と忍耐の欠如に、 ケルスス は、正しくも、次のように述べています。「病気はゆっくり進行し、治る時もゆっくりである。深く根ざした病を取り除くためには、病を引き起こしたと同じ時間が必要である。」
すべての場合において、どのように服用すべきかを、特定する必要はないように思われます。 患者はすぐに、自分に合った飲み方を決められます。 患者にとって最も納得できる計画が、最良であると確信して、安心しなさい。回復を早めるために、適度な運動と酒類を断つことが推奨されます。 食事に関して制限は必要ありません。
本物の薬を、価値のないニセモノで代用しようとする、卑劣な試みが行われていることが発見されました。その証拠として、1841 年 1 月 22 日のノッティンガム レビューに掲載された次の広告に注目してください。
1841 年 1 月 28 日の日付。
証人– H. B. キャンベル、事務弁護士、ノッティンガム。
この広告と言われるものが、本当にされたとは思えませんが、実際、どうだったのでしょう? 1月28日署名の広告文が、1月22日の新聞にのった、というのも少し変ですね。
どれだけうまく売って、儲けることができたのでしょうか? 知りたいものです。
したがって、そのような模倣から公衆を保護するために、ホウ切手委員会は、各箱に貼り付けられている政府切手に、「PARR’S LIFE PILLS」と刻印するよう命じました。これがなければ本物ではなく、これを模倣することは重罪です。
町や国の最も立派な薬局で販売されています。卸売業者はエドワーズ ロンドン セントポール 67です。 ボックス入りで、価格は、1シリング1.5ペンス、2シリング9ペンス、およびファミリーボックスは11シリングがあります。各ボックスには完全な説明書が入っています。
1841年頃の、1シリング1.5ペンス とはどれくらいの値段なのでしょうか? 参考になればと、金の価値を基準にして、計算してみました。
「ソブリン金貨 この金貨の価値は、製造当初の金の公定価格である、標準金1オンス=3ポンド17シリング10ペンス半に相当する。」
「イギリスが金本位制を採用した1816年貨幣法(55 GeorgeIII.c.68)で新しい本位金貨が制定され、これをソブリンと名づけ1817年から鋳造された。」
2022/11/11 の金の店頭価格(田中貴金属)は
金1g=(小売)8,825円、(買取)8,705円 なので、平均を取ると、8,766円となります。
8,766 * 31.1 =272,623円
272,623 / (3+17/20)=70,811円
70,811 / 20 =3,541円
3,541 + 1.5 * 3,541 / 12=3,984円
3,541 * 11=38,951円
ヒンクリーにて、1841 年 5 月 3 日。
私は、パー生命丸から受けた最も重要な効能を認めることが、あなた方と一般大衆に対して負っている義務だと感じています。私は 9 年間、第 52 歩兵連隊の兵士でしたが、1839 年 10 月除隊しました。女王陛下のサービスが提供する最善のアドバイスを受けましたが、健康状態が悪いためでした。(消耗性と見なされました) 私は生まれ故郷の町に戻り、余命は長くはないと感じました。しかし、どうやら神意の介入のように見えるのですが、私の注意はパー生命丸に向きました。そして、2シリング9ペンスの箱を2箱だけ飲んだ後、私は完全に治癒したのです。この最も価値のある薬によってもたらされた善の生きた記念碑となっています。ここ数日間、私は隣の村に住む友人たちを訪ねています。そこで、「君が通りを歩いているのを見ると、死からよみがえった人を見ているようだ」と言われました。私は近所の人々に、この薬を飲むよう勧めています。そして、多くの人が、薬の使用により、非常に大きな効能を経験しています。
Old Parr’s last will & Testament.
A most singular Document has recently been brought to light, written by the celebrated OLD PARR, who attained the almost incredible age of 152 years. It is written on parchment, and although upwards of 200 years old is in an excellent state of preservation. The following is an extract:
“These do certifie yt ye undermentioned is ye method of preserving health, which by ye grace of Almighty God has caused me to attain to my miraculous old age. Albeit in my youth I was afflicted with ye Bloody Flux and King’s Evil, but which all left me by using some dayes ye herbs as herein written.”
Here follows the receipt–
“Moreover, I bequeath to my second Great Grandson ye method I employ for preparing ye medicament. Given this day, and in ye 147th year of age.”
Thomas Parr.
“Winnington, Salop, Januarie 17th, 1630.”This Engraving is from a painting by RUBENS, when at the age of 151. This singular character was the oldest man with one exception, that England ever produced: his biographer says, “the days of his youth, according to his own account, as a series of long and painful illness, but that by some secret menus he cured himself, and was stronger than most men when he married his first wife, which he did at the advanced age of 88; he again married a the amazing age of 120; at 130 he used to thrash corn, and do any laborious work. He had seen ten Kings and Queens of England.”
Parr spent much of his time in the study of the vegetable world, and has fortunately left behind him, though long hid to the world, the valuable fruits of his labours. Besides the valuable receipt from which Parr’s Pills are now compounded, there are several M.SS. pieces, writien in his old quaint style on the value of health. his opinions though somewhat differently expressed, were that the varieties of clime and modes of living make but little difference to our period of existence,–that the laws of nature are simple and easy understood, but they require perfect obedience. He deservedly denounced the silly mysteries assumed by the medical profession, being fully convinced of the power of his discovery to thoroughly eradicate disease and to prolong life.
Od Parr it is probable would have lived to a still greater age, but the Earl of Arundel, son of his old patron, took him to London to present him to King Charles I. ; at court he fed high, and drank freely of the best wines, which was a great change to his former mode of living, and which brought on too great fullness of body, and obstructed the natural functions of the lungs. Parr on this occasion neglected his usual simple remedy, was treated for by the court physician, who did not understand his case, under whose unskilful treatment he died. His body was opened by the celebrated Dr. HARVEY, and was found to be in a most, perfect state, a full detail of the appearances, which are very interesting, are published in the “Philosophical Transactions.”
The Clergyman who holds the valuable document above-mentioned, has, by the assistance of a very able chemist and physician, caused the receipt of OLD PARR’S to be made into Pills, and although only a few years have elapsed since the trial, an immense number of cures have been effected, more than onehaif of which were considered incurable; and what is more remarkable, cases which possess the very opposites as regards outward symptoms: the balsamic and invigorating effects on the blood produced by these medicines is perfectly miraculous; many who have kept their beds for years have been so speedily reinvigorated with an infusion of new blood, and consequently of new life and strength, that their re-appearance amongst their fellow-beings, who had long given them up as incurable, is looked upon as the greatest of the many great wonders of this miraculous age. The whole of our system is built up from the blood–nerves, sinews, muscles, and even solid bone; this being the case, the grand object is to keep this precious fluid (the blood,) in a pure and healthy state, for without this purity disease will show itself in some way or other thus diseases known by the names of–:Abcesses :Cholera Morbus :Epilepsy :Glandular swellings :Ague :Colics :Erysipelas :Head-ache :Aneurisms :Constipation of bowels :Faintings :Heart-burn :Asthmas :Consumptions :Foul breath :Hoarseness :Barreuness :Convulsions :Fevers of all kinds :Inflammation :Bilious complaints :Cramps :Female irregularities :Indigestion :Blotches on the skin :Croups :Fistulas :Janndiee :Boils :Debility :Fits :Languor :Bowel complaints :Dropsy :Flux :Leprosy :Burns :Dimness of sight :Gout :Lethargy :Cancers :Dysentry :Griddiness :Liver complaints
:Low spirits :Paralysis :Small pox :Tumours :Lumbago :Phlegm :Score eyes :Ulcers :Measles :Piles :Sore throats :Venereal affections of all kinds :Mortifications :Relaxations :Stone :Nervous affections :Retention of urine :Stranguary :Whooping coughs :Ossifications :Rheumatism :Strictures :White swellings :Pains in the bones :Ringworm :Thrush :Worms of every kind :Palpitations :Scald heads :Tic douloureux :Wens :Palsy :Scrofula, or kings evil :Tremblings :Weakness from whatever cause
Cases of the above description have all been cured simply by the use of PARR’S LIFE PILLS, thus showing that what has been considered different disorders, and requiring different treatment, all originated in the same cause, and can be cured by one uniform treatment. PARR’S LIFE PILLS, although powerful in conquering disease, yet are as pure and harmless as new milk, and may be administered with confidence to the invalid, however weakly from long ill health, who will soon enjoy those delightful symptoms of a return to strong health, viz., good appetite, sound sleep, and an increase of animal spirits.
To have produced a medicine so benign and mild in its operation and effects, and yet so effectual in searching out and curing disease of however long standing, exhibits on the part of Old Parr deep research and a thorough knowledge of his subject. Those who have been the instruments of restoring this long-lost secret to the world, feel confident when they make the assertion–that NONE NEED DESPAIR, that if only a fair trial be given, the result will be a restoration to health and happiness.
“Thus shall their humble labours merit praise, And future PARRS be blest with honor’d days.”
This fine herbal medicine is, if taken for the time and in the manner specified, warranted, on oath, to effect a cure.
The fine balsamic and invigorating powers it possesses are wonderful; a trial of a single dose will carry conviction that they are all that is necessary to invigorate the feeble, restore the invalid to health, and do good in all cases ; no fear need be entertained, as they are quite harmless.
The heads of families should always have them in the house, as they may, with the greatest confidence be resorted to at any time or in any case.
Epsom Salts are sometimes had recourse to when a purgative is required, If the true nature of Epsom Salts, Seidlitz Powders, and all saline aperients were fully understood, they would never be resorted to — they occasion an excessive secretion and discharge of the natural moisture of the stomach and bowels, and this softens the contents of the stomach and bowels, and produces watery motions–the vessels after this unnatural draining are dried up, and a confined state of the bowels is produced, which it not carefully attended to, produces costiveness and all its train of evils: besides all salts are cold and griping, to say nothing of the danger of mistaking oxalic acid for salts, which mistake has, in numerous instances, terminated fatally. Parr’s Life Pills are now generally established as the most favourite Family Medicine.
Indigestion, or Dispepsia.–It must be borne in mind, that indigestion is caused by a foul and bad state of the stomach, and a morbid action of the liver and biliary organs, and is the primary cause of more
than half our disorders. These pills must be taken three pills at bed time, and two before breakfast, and
continued for a month or six weeks; this will restore the stomach to a clean and healthy state, and a natural action of the liver.
Gout, Rheumatism, Rheumatic Gout, &c.–The exciting causes of these complaints may be traced to any general derangment of the system; frequent sources of their appearances are, Cold, Bruises, Sprains, free indulgenence in wines, spirits, and highly-spiced foods; it is, however, an established fact, that in nine cases out of ten it is hereditary, thus proving, that before a cure can be effected a total change of the system must be produced. The powerfully-invigorating and alterative properties of Parr’s Life Pills, will,
by a few weeks’ perseverance, in taking 2 or 3 daily at dinner, infallibly produce this happy change. Many preparations advertised as specifics for these disorders, are merely opiates, which for a short time act on the nervous system, and thus deaden the sense of pain, but possess not the least power in removing the cause of the disorder, and which after the momentary relief afforded has passed, leaves the patient in a more helpless situation than ever. All opiates and stimulants cannot be too studiously avoided.
Dropsy.–This disease says Abernethy, is a ” preternatural accumulation of serous or watery fluid in the cellular membrame, beneath the skin, or in different cavities of the body.” The remote or occasional causes are various, hereditary or family predisposition ; drinking cold liquids when the body is in a heated state, acute diseases of various kinds, as fevers, dysentry, &c., &c. These pills are justly esteemed as a powerful remedy for carrying off the collected water by stool, and by perspiration, one or two should be taken every hour until the bowels are freely unloaded. The patient may use as a drink, Cream of Tartar, made in the usual way.
Sleep.–Nothing has such a tendency to restore the system as sound and refreshing sleep; a popular writer beautifully remarks “All-healing sleep soon neutralizes the corroding caustic of care, and blunts even the barbed arrows of that marble-hearted fiend-Ingratitude;” and by a well-known poet it is described as “nature’s sweet restorer,” yet there are thousands who pass weary and sleepless nights without taking the trouble to ascertain the cause ; many resort to opiates, and thus aggravate the evil. These pills will be found to soothe the irritated state of the nerves, and soon to bring the whole system into that cool and healthy state as will induce sound and refreshing sleep, and thus fit the mind and body for the varied duties of life, which henceforward will be performed with ease and satisfaction.
Costiveness. –Habitual costiveness is, if not removed in time, a cause of more than half the disorders and pains to which humanity is subject; the medicines too generally had recourse to, do more harm than good, as they weaken the peristaltic action of the bowels, and thus aggravate, instead of removing the complaint. Let it be remembered, that costiveness is CONSTITUTIONAL, and therefore it is absurd to suppose a few doses of a purgative medicine can remove it: an entire change of the system must be gradually produced by taking steadily two or three pills daily, for three, four, or even six Months.[3]
Wind. This disagreeable and troublesome complaint is caused by an unhealthy state of the stomach ; food, however good, especially vegetables remain too long in the stomach ; the gastric juices are insufficient, or are too weak to perform their offices; this good food, therefore, becomes putrid, and generates wind; besides this, the breath is very offensive. Two, three, or four pills at night for a week will effect a cure.
Gravel, Stone, and Urinary Affections.–Take three every night, and two in the morning.
Nervous Affections. –This class embraces a wide range, and the unhappy sufferers endure more anguish and receive less pity from those around them, than from any other class of disorders; this in some measure may be accounted for simply because the symptoms are not so strongly defined as in other disorders ; indeed in some cases no symptoms are recognized, and therefore the hasty conclusion is jumped at that all the ailments of the patient are imaginary, and not worthy of notice. There is no class of diseases requiring more kindness and care. 2 or 3 of these invaluable pills will speedily reanimate the spirits, improve the digestive powers, and restore the whole nervous system to a happy and natural state. In all varieties of this disorder, bleeding, leeching, or any other mode of abstracting blood must be by no means employed.
Liver Complaints, Jaundice, &c.–The whole host of disorders denominated Liver Complaints may be attributed to cold–anxiety–want of exercise–spirituous drinks–excessive use of mercury, &c.; these causes act powerfully on the Liver, and obstruct the due performance of its natural functions and secretions, and the healthy action of the liver is of such vital importance to the general health, that these interruptions if not attended to, too often terminate fatally. Should Jaundice occur it serves to remove all doubts with respect to this disease. Two or three pills every night, for a few weeks will restore the patient to perfect health. The causes of these diseases are specified above, which as a matter of course, should be carefully avoided.
Bilious Disorders.–There is nothing can form so useful and efficient an aperient as the Bile itself, which has been admirably adapted by nature to supply the bowels in a state of health with the requisite stimulus; but when this has from disease become either deficient in quantity, or deteriorated in quality, Medicines are justly entitled to consideration as the most effectual means of restoring a healthy secretion. These pills are all-powerful in removing the distressing symptoms attendant upon bilious obstructions, disordered state of the stomach and bowels–such as pains in the head, dimness of sight, sickness, oppression of the chest, lowness of spirits, with great apprehension of imaginary danger, and fear of sudden death, disinclination for active employment, and various other symptoms at all times troublesome, and not unfrequently dangerous. By taking two or three doses of these pills, the symptoms above described are speedily removed, an unusual degree of serenity pervades the mind, the stomach and bowels are restored to their natural functions, and returning vigour is the result; by taking one, two, or three pills at bed-time, and repeated as occasion may render necessary. They operate pleasantly, without producing that irritation common to most advertised and powerful medicines, which too often augment the maladies they were intended to remove.Coughs, Colds, Asthmas.–Three or four pills every night at bed-time they will remove the congealed phlegm in the throat which produces that unpleasant tickling sensation, which provokes cough, and destroys rest; sound sleep will be enjoyed after a few doses.
Pregnancy.–This period is one of vital importance, not only to the mother, but to the expected offspring ; the violent morning sickness which some endure, is, in consequence of the violent retching, very dangerous : this, with all the other ailments experienced at this critical period, will speedily be removed by taking three pills at bed-time, after a very light supper.
Pimples, Blotches, redness of the nose, and all skin diseases, as scurvy, scorbutic eruptions, itch, inflammatory affections, ulcers, scrofula–persevere with two at night and two in the morning; time and perseverance will effect a cure. All outward sores should be kept particularly clean; the application of a little cooling ointment, made of equal portions of olive oil and bees’ wax, will be found of great service.
Female Complaints.–Head-ache, nervous affections, all irregularities of the system, depression of spirits, foul breath, sallow complexion, &c.–take two or three pills at bed-time, regularly for a week, after lunch, a few as occasion may require, which will soon restore a healthful and juvenile bloom to the complexion.
Barrenness.–Time and perseverence will effect the desired object, unless some physical malformation renders it impossible. Old Parr preserved his virility till he was 130 years of age, and many cases might be cited when all hopes of having children had gone, that by taking two or three every other day have completely changed the system and rendered it productive.
Aged People, by taking two, three, or four pills occasionally, will be quite invigorated by the fine balsamic properties of this medicine; they prevent unpleasant accumulation.
Children.–Infants, however tender their age, may have half a pill mixed with a little conserve of honey; if three or four months old, one pill will be required: this excellent medicine has been the salvation of hundreds of children, during teething, croup, hooping cough, measles, and other disorders, which beset this tender age.
Apoplexy –Names are frequently given at random by the ignorant. Apoplexy, if duly examined, may be traced as only aggravated lethargy, as lethargy is drowsiness. The veins being filled with corrupt, stagnant humours, diminish their capacities inwardly, and prevent the blood from supplying and nourishing the brain. Prevention is every thing, those who are the least disposed to apoplexy, should not fail to take these pills occasionally, they will certainly prevent the disease.
Spring and Fall.–The spring and fall of the leaf has been always remarked as the periods when disease, if it be lurking in the system, is sure to show itself. The coldness of winter renders torpid the acrimonious fluids of the body, and in this state of inactivity, their evil to the system is not perceived, but at the spring these are roused, and if not checked, mix up and circulate with the blood, and thus the whole system is contaminated. These pills taken three every night for two or three weeks will rid the body of all that is noxious, and produce health and comfort. Persons troubled with scorbutic affections are strongly advised to try them at this time of the year; in a few days they will see the powerful clearing properties they possess, and thus be induced to continue them. Recently, a remarkable case where a gentleman was so dreadfully afflicted with a scorbutic affection as to be quite unsightly, by a patient undeviating course of these pills, his system has undergone a thorough change, and his skin is now as fair and sound as of a healthy child. The fall of the leaf also is a time when the system, relaxed by the heat of summer, would be highly benefited by a few weeks’ course of the pills, two or three every night; these will clear off sour and bad humours which heat invariably generates. The liver, which generally gets sluggisk, will be put into healthy[4]
action, and thus be able to perform the functions allotted to it; the body altogether will be reinvigorated and prepared to undergo whatever change the winter may bring on.
Travellers.–Commercial travellers are, of all men, the most social; their profession often places them within situations where they are obliged to freely patronize the science of gastronomy, and to yield to the seductive allurements of the ‘rosy god;’ no harm from these indulgences would ever be felt if they would take two or three of these fine stomachic pills at night, which would without the slightest disturbance or pain clear off all acidities, which would otherwise remain in the stomach and bowels, and produce feverish headache, and all other unpleasant symptoms. On account of their mild and effective operation they are now more used by all travellers than any other medicines are. For sea voyages they are acknowledged to be all that is required, preventing all scurvy, &c.
Diet.–Next to the important part which PARR’S LIFE PILLS perform in assisting and regulating Nature in her varied operations–diet is worthy of the deepest consideration: it is very clear that man is constituted in such a manner as fits him to subsist on animal or vegetable food ; reason therefore dictates that he should, when it is in his power, make use of this mixed aliment, taking care duly to regulate the proportion of each. The bland, invigorating, and life-prolonging power of this miraculous medicine, rightly named ‘Life Pills,’ are at all times of service to assist nature in her varied operations, but in none are they of greater use than in promoting a natural secretion of the juices of the stomach and biliary organs, without which, the whole system soon becomes deranged, and will if not immediately checked, induce a train of evils, which will hasten to premature decay.–Never forget that it is far easier and better to prevent than cure.
General Remarks.–In no one instance has this valuable medicine failed, when duly persevered in, to afford relief, even in the oldest and most inveterate cases ; if any, from want of confidence or fickleness, discontinue their use too early, and thus leave unaccomplished what they desired, are they to attribute the fault to the medicine ? –certainly not; but to their own love of change and want of patience. Celsus has justly remarked that “Diseases slow in their progress, go off very slowly; and that time is necessary to remove the deeply rooted evils which time has occasioned..” This should be borne in mind by all suffering from chronic disease deeply rooted in the system, to impart patience and perseverence in the use of this medicine, that where the disorder seems obstinate, they may rest fully assured that time will effect a perfect and radical cure. It seems needless to specify how they are to be taken in all cases; the patient will soon determine how they suit him; they may rest assured that the plan which is most agreeable to them is also best. Moderate exercise and abstinence from spirituous liquors is recommended to hasten the recovery of the patient. No restriction is required as to food; Parr’s maxim was, “eat when you are hungry and drink when you are dry.” The patient need be under no fear of catching cold. It is of consequence that the patient should have in this changeable climate, plenty of warm and clean clothing. Old Parr carefully provided himself against changes in the weather, with good clothing.IMPORTANT CAUTION!
It has been discovered, that vile attempts have been made to substitute base imitations for the genuine Medicine; in proof of which, attention is directed to the following advertisement, which appeared in the Nottingham Review, of Jan. 22, 1841:
I, THE undersigned JOHN CUBLEY,late of Derby, but now of the Town of Nottingham, heretofore, a Schoolmaster, but now out of employment, do hereby acknowledge that I have lately got compounded some pills, which I have sold to different persons as “OLD PARR’S LIFE PILLS,’ by representing that I had purchased the Recipe for that celebrated medicine: such representation was, however, entirely false, and the proprietors of the genuine Old Parr’s Life Pills have commenced legal proceedings against me for the above fraud. But I having expressed sorrow and contrition, and given up to them the names and addresses of each person to whom I have sold any of such pills, as well as of the druggist who compounded the same, and agreed to make this public apology, and pay all expenses, including this advertisement, the proprietors have kindly consented to forego such legal proceedings. I do, therefore, declare my shame and sorrow for having committed such an imposition on the public, and such a fraud on the proprietors of Old Parr’s Life Pills, and further express my acknowledgments for their lenity, JOHN CUBLEY.
Dated this 28th day of January, 1841.
Witness– H. B. CAMPBELL, Solicitor, Nottingham.In order, therefore, to protect the Public from such imitations, the Hou. Commissioners of Stamps have ordered“ PARR’S LIFE PILLS,” to be engraved on the Government Stamp attached to each box, without which none are genuine, and to imitate which is Felony.
Sold by most respectable Medicine Vendors in Town and Country; to be had wholesale of EDWARDS, 67, St. Paul’s, London, in Boxes, Price ls. 1 1/2d., 2s. 9d., and family boxes lls. each. Full directions are given with each box.The following case of cure is inserted to prove the virtues of Parr’s Life Pills for a disease which the faculty call incurable. Aiter reading this, no one will despair,” while there is life there is hope.”
“To the Proprietors of Parr’s Life Pills.
“Hinckley, May 3rd 1841.
“I feel it a duty I owe to you and to the public at large, to acknowledge the most important benefit. I have received from OLD PARR’S PILLS. I was for nine years a soldier in the 52nd Regiment of Foot, and was discharged in October, 1839, in consequence of ill health, (being deemed consumptive) after having the best advice Her Majesty’s Service afforded. I returned to my native town, feeling that my days could not be long on earth. But hy what almost appears an interposition of providence, my attention was directed to OLD PARR’S PILLS, and by taking only two 2s. 9d. boxes, I was completely cured, and am thus a living monument to the good effected by this most valuable Medicine. Within the last few days I have been on a visit to some of my friends in a neighbouring Village, where I was told that“ it was like seeing one risen from the dead, to see me walking through their streets.” I have recommended them to my neighbours, and many of them have experienced very great benefit from their use.
“I am, Gentlemen, your most Obedient Servant,
“Witness-JAMES BURGESS, Bookseller, Hinckley.”